Episode 38

September 26, 2022


Wes Greear and the Mission of TRiO

Wes Greear and the Mission of TRiO
The Sound Bearier
Wes Greear and the Mission of TRiO

Sep 26 2022 | 00:17:43


Show Notes

TRiO Student Support Services at Northeast State provides a pathway, and lifeline, to qualifying students pursuing a technical certificate or college degree. Federally-funded, TRiO serves first-generation college students facing financial or disability challenges to graduate from college.

Wes Greear joined Northeast State at TRiO director in 2021.  He joins The Sound Bearier to talk options, qualifications, and guiding students to success.

Get to know this often-overlooked program responsible for helping hundreds of students achieve their goals.  Visit Northeast State TRiO SSS to learn more.

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